About Patricia…

something sparked that changed my life…

I’ve been a chameleon for most of my life, morphing and molding myself to fit what others have always expected of me, wearing mask after mask to hide my truest self from the world. Sound like you? There are over 7.5 billion people out there, and all I wanted to do was hide, to not be seen.

For as long as I can remember I have carried some form of shame on my shoulders - shame of self, shame of identity, shame of divorce, shame of money failures, shame of (fill in the blank). I lived my life under unbelievable self scrutiny, perfectionist ideals, and overwhelming pressure to succeed, to be accepted, to be loved at all costs.

Only to discover the foundation of who I believed myself to be was built on many false beliefs and ideals, that when it all came crashing down - I crumbled, fell apart, lost my way and everything else.


Then one day, a simple conversation moved me in a way that I uprooted my life in California after 18 years, sold most of everything I owned to move to a remote location on a Native American Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Creative Visionary * Soulful intuitive * 4/6 Emotional Manifestor

Since my life got turned upside-down in 2013, my deep dive into who I am, why I am here, my purpose in life was in game on. The process of death and rebirth, releasing and healing, letting go of people, patterns, thoughts, and actions which no longer served my growth was in full force. Over those years, there were many tough decisions about how I desired to create my life on my terms and live the best life I could, not just for me, for my children and grandchildren.

My first manifesting experience started in high school where I was obsessed with Greek Mythology. What do you know, four years later I was living on a greek island - living my dream! So, manifesting a year living at the bottom of the Grand Canyon was no surprise to my children, yet everyone else thought I was a bit crazy.

I’ve suspected for most of my life, there was a bit of mysticism and magic to me. There was something a bit different about me, I fit in, yet I didn’t. My energy was big and bold, and I often knew things that I had no idea how I knew it, and it created uneasiness with people in my early life. A highly-skilled people pleaser from childhood, a failed marriage, estranged family ties, and many lost friendships as a result. Until 2017, when I first discovered Human Design and realized the power I possessed as a 4/6 Emotional Manifestor with an activated Gate of Intuition, allowing me to access it instantaneously at any moment. Since then, my journey into my mystical and magical self & my human design has revealed, reaffirmed, and showed me how to live authentically in my truth with liberation from all that was holding me back from living fully free.

Things that create Happiness…

Wait, there’s more…

topics that excite me…

All things Mystical & Magical like Tarot, the Chakras, Crystals, Energy Healing & Human Design…I also love learning about and talking about personal development, psychology, and pondering the great mysteries of the life. I'm a truth-seeker, truth speaker, and never take anything at face-value. I am a skilled problem solver, teacher, an innovator, and always brimming with creative ideas. I left Catholicism a long time ago, and try to live my life in alignment with many Buddhist principles.

Where in the world am I?

As a native Texan, born & raised, my family heritage goes back to Indigenous Mexico. As far as my research has taken me, we come from a cohort of tribes identified as Coahuiltecans in the Northeastern Mexico region of Nuevo Leon. Right now, Leo and I are in the desert of Southern Arizona.

Proudest life milestones…

My two boys (adults now), their significant others, their successes, my grandchildren, and my independence. I’m also a first generation college graduate with a Masters Degree in Education. The first time I ran a half marathon, my creative & artistic side, I’m a bit of a black sheep, a published author, at one point in life I was trilingual, and the thing I am most proud of…my Doctorate’s in Life! The hardest degree I have ever earned!

Rituals & Must do’s…

I am all about working in spaces that inspire me, playing my singing bowl before I go to sleep (sometimes even when I wake up) and always when I meditate, walking Leo once a day, burning my favorite incense every morning, reading Emmet Fox & Marianne Williamson every morning, journaling daily, pulling tarot cards daily, drinking plenty of water, understanding my energy bursts & taking breaks, and lastly getting a full uninterrupted nights sleep…all things I revamped in my life as a result of my human design.

Some of my faves…

I love quiet and unique coffee shops with friends, eating great food, and cooking my favorite Mexican comfort foods. I enjoy staring out towards the mountains behind my house, or at the open ocean and hearing the crash of the waves in the surf. I love the smell of fresh homemade tortillas, and the laughter of my kids and grandkids when they are around, and playing chase with Leo in the yard.

There you have it, me in a nutshell…