
You are a powerful creative force and a unique soul in this human experiment.

Are you ready to tap into the power of your souls blueprint?

Life + Leadership + Manifestor

Crafting A life of quantum expansion

When my journey into Human Design began in 2017, I was overwhelmed! Seriously, I looked at my chart, tried reading some websites all about it, and found that it was too much for me to digest all at once. So, I had to decide how I was going to eat this elephant otherwise know as my body graph chart.

Now, if you could see my first chart, you would hardly be able to see the graph because as I have been studying it these past few years, I have also taken notes on it, drawn arrows to this and that, and well, I’m a trained teacher, what else would you expect?

It wasn’t until 2020-2021 when good old COVID hit and everyone found themselves with way too much time on their hands that I really began my deep dive into my chart. What I found out has made an incredible difference in my life on so many levels physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, environmentally, with communication, and mostly with my personal energy.

I’ve also learned more about my patterns and habits, why I operate certain ways, and so much more. Yes, the basics are pretty straightforward like your type, strategy, authority, not-self theme (mine happens to be Anger, oy vey that’s a whole other story about healing), profiles, and incarnation cross (which until last year finally made sense!).

When you get your chart and you are like “OMG! I have no idea what this means or where to start??” Know that you are not alone, and many people have said the same thing. Lucky for you, during my own travels down many of the human design rabbit holes, my skill level at reading the charts and understanding the various aspects have become quite honed.

Got 15 minutes? Grab a seat in my FREE Masterclass, print out the free workbook, and follow along so you can start aligning with your human design today! It’s only when you understand how to make higher-quality choices in your life, you naturally get higher-quality results!